Tuesday, August 02, 2011


I'm trying to decide if I should list all the diseases I have, but honestly I hate putting them in print.  It brings me down and I don't need anything additional to help with that.  So I'm not going to list anything in this post, but if you need to know just look at my Informational Links to the right of the page.

Today has been strange.  I'm finding it extra difficult to concentrate and am in a introspective mood.  I'm hurting, but no more than normal, it's not a bad pain day.  It doesn't help matters that my IBS has kicked in and I'm having a digestively challenging day. O_O

I've been reading blogs by others who suffer from an invisible disease.  It's disheartening that so many suffer from the same or similar issues as myself.  At the same time, it is soothing in some way to know that I'm not crazy ... that I'm not alone.